• Product Code Isentress
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  • Manufacturer MERK SHARP
  • Shipped from Turkey Turkey Flag

Important Note: We can only ship a maximum 90-day supply of your prescription. If in doubt, please call before placing your order.

Isentress (raltegravir) is an HIV medication used to control the HIV infection. It is not a cure for HIV or AIDS. But it helps decrease the amount of human immunodeficiency virus in your body so that the immune system can function better. It reduces the chance of complications and improves quality of life of an HIV patient.

 Buy Isentress Online


Know about the specific allergies before you use this medication. Buy Isentress online at the most competitive price from Affordable Rx Meds.

When should I avoid using Isentress?

If you are allergic to Raltegravir, you should avoid using this medicine. Also, tell your doctor in advance if you have any muscle disorder, kidney or liver disease, and depression. It may cause severe skin infection which can be fatal. Use it only if it is prescribed by your doctor.


Side Effects of Isentress

There are some common side effects of Raltegravir that may occur and usually do not require medical attention.

However, if you see effects like burning sensation in skin, decreased urine amount, dizziness, hoarseness, unusual swelling or stiffness, light-colored stools, appetite loss, increase in thirst, itching and redness on the skin, hives, tightness in chest, severe back pain, uneasiness while breathing, difficulty in swallowing, sudden weight gain, yellow skin and eyes, pain in genitals, blood in urine or dark urine, fast heartbeat, and painful blisters on body trunk, then you shall consider getting immediate medical attention.

(Note: This is not the complete list of all the possible side effects. If any other unusual effects occur, you shall immediately notify your doctor about the same.)